Thursday, August 6, 2009

I found it!!

I found it!!! Do you like the picture of me worn out from looking for it?? Yea, I found my camera right in that safe know the one, the very last place you look! And then you say after your three hours of looking everywhere, "oh yes, now I remember". I'm just glad I didn't have to tell the camera gift giver, (my daughter) that I was getting absent minded and lost it.....that would be the worst. So now if I get things together I will add some pictures now and then of the things I love or enjoy....Have a good night


  1. Dear Gorgeous,

    Who knew? Well, I knew, but now the rest of the world knows. Indeed, you are a pretty little thing.

    The Ugly Step Sister (I really am a step sister, you know)

  2. PS WHERE did you find it? And I'm pretty sure your daughter now knows you lost it. At least for a while.

    PPS And I hope that Hallarie girl doesn't see that snowMAN in the freezer. She has a phobia about such things.

  3. Can I ever relate! I always have my things in logical places, but that doesn't help me remember where that place is!

    I'm so glad you've got this up and running. I'll be a frequent visitor. I love your positive attitude.

    If your house sells, where will you move? More details!


Go ahead a say a few words..